Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm driven :)

Hey guys!

How have you all been? I'm still alive after working at starbucks for about.. 2 months? And guess what! Surprisingly the sewage tank (grease trap) wasnt that bad after all! Instead of scooping the water out, i used the "siphon" method to actually get the water out of the tank. So it was obviously much faster and much more "neat" as compare to scooping the water out.

Anyway, i seem to develop some rash after working in starbucks because i had to be in contact with detergents - dishwashing, sanitizer, all the time. :(

So i have been aimlessly being occupied with something for the past 5 months since my a-levels and I've come to a conclusion of what I want to be in future. :) Many times, I have asked my friends' opinions about what should I do, what do I look like to them? Some of my friends were pretty straightforward, some were just plain nice. :)

But I guess, after being encouraged by my sister, and also been doing some... soul searching and asking around, I guess I have finally decided to be a doctor. Even as I am typing the word doctor now, I kinda feel scared because I don't wanna face the fact that I am going to be posted to a dungy hospital, every morning breathe in the antiseptic smell...

And also, becoming a doctor isnt just about being glamourous. It's about being responsible for treating mankind's wellbeing. :) And thinking about that makes me feel burden because I dont wanna be accountable for something...soo... fragile. :( I guess God has His awesome plans, no matter how much i would wanna avoid it, I'm sure He would stir me back into His plans.

However, of course, God won't help those who doesnt even help themselves. I don't expect to receive an acceptance letter without applying into a university. So I have just applied into IMU, hoping that they have received my application. Chances of me getting into IMU is slim because they are currently looking at results of ABB and above. And i got BBB. So sad ay? That's why lar! Now regret got use meh? At first don't study

If i were given another chance to study medicine, I would grasp this chance and won't let go. And this time, I am going to make sure I have the right approach. The problem with me is that...i just can't seem to focus. I tend to forget things easily and wonder off when people start talking too much. I guess i need to have a new study method. Lol. And i know i am not those studious person who could stay up till 5am and expect to remember everything.

Anyway, do pray I would get accepted into IMU guys! And also if I do..i need to start revising for my IELTS!


1 comment:

hweehsia said...

hey, finally u have decided..congratulations:)i guess i'm the pretty straight forward definitely pray for u girl:) love u...muakzzzzz^^